It was time to change the Christmas theme...mind you, with all the bloody snow, it does look like we should be hanging our crap up again. I was totally for the snow less, spring like weather thing January had going for it. Now I am surrounded by pure white misery every time I must leave my home.
What has kept me away from my blog....holidays, renovating, selling, buying a home, pregnancy, Ebola outbreak...the usual.
First , we finally decided this shoe box condo we live in will not accommodate three children, so we've found a four bedroom we love, in the same neighbour hood, finished renovating the condo, put it up for sale, and are now awaiting for the latest offer to firm up. Just a regular day in the life of us.
During the past week of having about 5 showings a day, our family of four lay in heaps across the living sofa, dog included, suffering from various stages of the Ebola...err I mean...flu bug.
This was the flu that kept on ticking...every time we thought we were getting over it, the next day was worse. We have one bathroom. ONE. Did I mention one bathroom. It was not a fun week. I could get into really gory but very funny details, but my stomach is still struggling to regain itself....(while being kicked to death on the inside but what I am sure is the next NFL champ, more on HIM later)
So here I am 6 months pregnant, about to start my third trimester and I have to pack my entire house and move by March 31st. Then I have to unpack my entire house and get ready for this baby coming in May. Yup. Go big or go home, I always say.
Seriously, I plan on walking (okay who am I kidding, waddling) around moving day with a clip board and a whistle. All the while looking like a basketball on stilts.
More later.
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